Martagon lily (Lilium martagon)

Aktualisiert: Feb. 27


emollient, expectorant, diuretic

Areas of application:

lack of menstruation, mild heart problems, burns

Plant parts used:


Collection time:

May, autumn

To find:

Is a protected area. Grows mainly in pure deciduous forests up to 2000 meters altitude.


Mucin, tannin, glycosides


The scaly onion is golden yellow, which is where the common name Goldwurz (in Germany) comes from. Martagon lily has magnificent red-spotted calyxes and leaves. On a sunny mountain meadow, a plant can develop up to 20 flowers and then exudes a heavy, intoxicating scent, especially in the evening.

In the kitchen you eat the cooked onions like vegetables; in Siberia there is still plenty of Turkic union.

In old herbal books one speaks of “the noble root martagon”, which cures gout and foot problems. According to Albertus Magnus, it improves kidney pain. Today there are better plants like this, the rare plant should no longer be used for this purpose.
