Hemlock, spotted (Conium maculatum)

Strongly toxic!



Areas of application:

Back then for pain, epilepsy and paralysis.

Plant parts used:

Leaves and shoot tips

Collection time:

June to September of the second year

To find:

In meadows, gardens, ditches, on rubble sites and on roadsides.


Alkaloids, especially coniine, furanocoumarins, flavonoids


🛑 The hemlock is fatally poisonous and particularly dangerous when taken internally!!! The processing of hemlock was banned in Europe 2000 years ago!

In many records, the spotted hemlock (Conium maculatum) is mentioned as an ingredient in the flying ointment, with its Help witches put themselves into ecstatic states.

Hildegard von Bingen: If a person ate hemlock, everything that was good and right in him would be destroyed. But he who has fallen or been beaten by clubs, let him boil hemlock in water and bind it on the limbs in which he has pain.
