Depression banishing candle magic

This post is about a Depression banishing candle magic. Maybe it will help you to see something more positive again or help you to have your depression under control a little better. Of course, it's best to banish depression completely. Always remember it is up to you to what extent the candle magic can develop its power.

Before you begin, light a yellow and a pink candle, concentrate, and then say the following:

Blessed Goddess of Love and Light

Please come and help me this night.

My heart is heavy and my emotions are blue. My

Soul is sad, I don't know what to do...

Help me drive away the pain that I feel

feel. This lackluster feeling has no appeal. Help

me starting to see and feel love

how my heart becomes light again. Let

climb myself out of this hole and with yours

Be with you in your heart, your body and your soul.

I beg you, Goddess this night:

Help me be well!

That's how it should be!
