Delphinium (Delphinium consolida)

Slightly toxic


Diuretic, appetite stimulating

Areas of application:

Eye diseases, blood purifier, mild laxative, against worms, wounds, prostate problems, heartburn, coughing fits, constipation, headaches

Plant parts used:


Collection time:

June to September

To find:

The field delphinium can be found on fallow land, near paths, near meadows and fields, on field verges and sometimes in forest clearings.


Flavonoids, glycosides, bitter substances


It is traditional to burn a larkspur wreath in the St. John's fire, but only before you go home. After burning, no one should look at the fire again. Then the delphinium helps against eye problems and also ensures that all the misfortunes of the year burn away with it.

🛑 Attention: Fresh delphinium contains an alkaloid that can lead to heart problems and circulatory disorders. The dried one loses this effect.

As a tea, delphinium is used more in kidney and bladder teas and also in breast teas.
