Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)


Expectorant, strengthening, blood circulation stimulating

Areas of application:

impure skin, acne, diarrhea with mucus or blood, red face, cloudy urine, restlessness, the so-called heat-wet diseases (inflammation), has a preventive and healing effect on diseases of the vascular system, varicose veins, venous insufficiency, arteriosclerosis and circulatory disorders are improved, circulatory problems , blood pressure disorders, capillary weakness

Plant parts used:

fruits, herbs

Collection time:


To find:

Sometimes possible in particularly protected locations, but rather rare.


Flavonoids, rutin, protein, carbohydrates, fat, lysine, arginine, tryptophan, vitamins B group, vitamin E, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, fluorine


☕ Tea: 2 teaspoons of dried buckwheat herb are poured with 1 cup of boiling water, left to steep for 15 minutes and strained. 2 to 3 cups per day are sufficient. A treatment should last at least 3 weeks. Elderly people take 1 cup per day.

🛑 While the starchy seed flour is cooked like grain and the tea made from dried plant parts is extremely digestible, the fresh herb is poisonous and is only used homeopathically.

🛑 The red-colored membrane that surrounds the grains can trigger allergies after consumption (fagopyrism), which can lead to skin eczema due to exposure to sunlight. Therefore, you should be warned against consuming unhulled buckwheat grains. Unhulled buckwheat should therefore be washed or boiled in hot water before consumption. The red slime should be skimmed off. (Excerpt from Wikipedia)

Although buckwheat is called a grain and used as a flour plant, it is not a cereal grass. In the Middle Ages, buckwheat was a popular crop on drained moors covered in heather. Buckwheat yields are much lower than wheat, which is why it is so expensive. Nevertheless, it is on the rise because it tastes excellent and is popular as a gluten-free grain substitute among people with sprue and celiac disease.

Buckwheat flour is used for soups, pancakes and vegetable patties, for dumplings, mueslis or as cake flour. Roasted kernels are called "Kasha" and they are added to muesli.

Hildegard von Bingen: For red faces, impure skin, acne, diarrhea with mucus or blood, cloudy urine and restlessness, the so-called heat-wet diseases (inflammations), buckwheat is recommended as a healing food.
