Balsam Poplar (Populus balsamifera Syn. Populus tacamahaca)


anti-inflammatory, expectorant, pain relieving, antipyretic, antimicrobial

Areas of application:

Cough, cold, bronchitis, respiratory diseases, pain, fever, arthritis, joint pain, skin diseases, inflamed skin, cuts, wounds, burns, bruises, acne, rashes, relieves itching, soothes inflammation

Plant parts used:

Inner bark, leaf buds, resin

Collection time:

Buds - Late winter to early spring

To find:

In moist locations along rivers and flood plains in northern North America.


Salicin, essential oils


The balsam poplar is a deciduous tree that can grow up to 30 meters tall. In the first year it has brown bark on the branches, which turns gray with age. This fast-growing tree can grow several meters in height every year. The simple, toothed, alternate leaves are narrow to broadly oval and pointed. They are 9 to 12.5 cm long and 4.5 to 7.5 cm wide. Their bases taper to a heart shape and are usually rounded at the base. The underside is whitish or pale green and the upper side is shiny green. The flowers are formed in catkins. The male catkins are 2.5 to 5 cm long. The female catkins are almost 7.5 cm long. Their flowers form in mid-spring. The fruits are egg-shaped capsules, each with 2 to 3 carpels. They are usually hairy.

🛑 Some people may have an allergic reaction to poplar sap. Poplar should not be used by people who are allergic to aspirin or bees.
