Apple Cider Vinegar


Remains of organic apples (peel and core)

2 tablespoons of sugar per kg of apples


Screw jars or preserving jars

Cloth for covering

fine sieve or linen cloth



The leftover apples or apple pieces are first cut into small pieces and placed in a screw-top jar. The size of the screw-top jar depends on the amount of apples (1 liter capacity). Then add the sugar per kg of apples and pour water over it until everything is well covered. To prevent mold spores from getting in, the glass is now covered with a cloth. The glass should be moved/swiveled from time to time to prevent mold formation.

Over time, foam forms as alcoholic fermentation begins. After about 5 to 7 days, the smell changes to a subtle vinegar note. The duration varies slightly each time and depends on the amount of sugar used.

As soon as the apple pieces have sunk to the bottom and the smell of vinegar is intense, the raw vinegar is poured off through a clean linen cloth. Then pour the vinegar back into a sterile container. The vinegar is ready without sugar after about 14 days.

The raw vinegar should now be covered with a cloth and fermented into apple cider vinegar for another 4 to 6 weeks. After time, filter the vinegar through a fine sieve or linen cloth, pour into bottles and close tightly. Don't forget to label with name and date.

Tip: If you like it really sour and less sour, you can vary the sugar. The more sugar you add, the more acidic the mixture will be, and the less sugar, the milder it will be. This is because alcoholic fermentation is accelerated with more sugar and the more alcohol that can form, the more acidic the vinegar becomes. And of course the other way around too.

If an opaque layer forms on the vinegar, it could be kahm yeast. Then simply remove them with a clean wooden spoon and stir the vinegar mixture.

If there is a more transparent, gelatinous layer, it may be mother of vinegar. This doesn't have to be thrown away, you can use it for the next batch of vinegar and it will be ready quicker.

This approach also works with other fruits. If you like, you can try it with strawberries or tomatoes and so on.
