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Mark und Dani

Ma-Da-Scha der
Plants - Herbs - Trees - Recipes - Wicca - Blog

Hello and welcome to my blog

Why did I create the blog?

I created the blog so that you can get to know the plants and herbs of this world and how you can use them. There are also various recipes for selected plants that not only taste good, but are also good for our bodies. There is a lot to read under tips and basics about Hildegard von Bingen, Bach flowers, Schüssler salts, but also the basics for a tincture or for tea or oils and so on.

Since I connect a lot with nature, the Wicca section was created. I want to stick to something that I personally enjoy and where I can cover things that cannot be explained. It might sound a bit strange to some people, but once you've looked into it, you might understand me better. Be one with nature and do good for people.

I also consciously decided to create a forum so that people have the opportunity to exchange ideas and come into contact with others.

Now I hope you enjoy reading and browsing through all the blog pages and, above all, trying out the recipes, if you want of course.

If you have any wishes or questions about a plant, or it is still missing from the blog, just write to me and I will make sure I put it online as quickly as possible.


“To the happy person every weed is a flower, to the grumpy every flower is a weed.”

Please note !!! Visiting these pages cannot replace a visit to the doctor. If you have serious or unclear symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Here you will find our collections of herbs, recipes, tips, etc.

Recently added:

Tip: To find the herbs, recipes or diseases you are looking for more quickly, you can use the search bar at the top or click on the button below.

Would you like to search for families and genera? No problem:

natürliche Kräuter

Our history

Hello everyone! We, Mark and I (Dani) want to give you a warm welcome to our site. Briefly about us:

Contact us if you have any questions

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